A Misameach Party Yields Far Reaching Effects
?When Misameach weaves its magic, the impact is always felt. But one Misameach party this week yielded an impact that was beyond anyone’s wildest expectations, an impact that will reverberate for a very long time.
It all began when Malky celebrated her birthday, Misameach style. Malky is a beautiful, special girl who is also currently very sick. When they heard it was her birthday, Misameach left no stone unturned to provide the girl with a birthday she will always remember.
With nosh, presents and entertainment, more than a dozen Misameach volunteers were on hand to make the birthday girl feel like a queen. Legendary singer Yaakov Shwekey performed for the small crowd, as Malky’s face shown with an otherworldly light.
It was inspiring. It was electric. It was Misameach.
And then the party was over, but the ramifications were only just beginning. The next day at work, a family member showed her non-frum coworker a video of the event and she was blown away by what she saw. She was blown away by the lengths to which “strangers” would go to make a little girl’s special day truly special; she was blown away by a famous singer who took the time to make such a difference; she was blown away by the kedushah that was practically tangible through the screen.
She was so inspired that she felt she had to do something, to respond to that tug of her neshamah that was impossible to ignore.
And so, she announced that she would keep Shabbos in its entirety for one week. And we thought that was it. But just as this story was written, the family received a text from an out-of-town, girl strugling with Shabbs who saw the clip as well. She too was so inspired by the party, by Yaakov Shwekey’s singing, by the joy on a little girl’s face, that she too will be keeping Shabbos this week.
All because of a Misameach party.
May these women’s shemiras shabbos serve as a zechus for a refuah shelaimah for Ruchama Malka Breindel bas Shaina Shifra.