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New Recordings Indicate Why Mumbai Terrorists Targeted Chabad

Hafiz Mohammad Said, jefe de Jamaat-ud-Dawwa y fundador de Lashkar-e-Taiba, habla con The Associated Press en Islamabad el martes, 3 de abril del 2012. Estados unidos ofreció una recompensa de 10 millones de dólares por Said, acusado de organizar ataques terroristas en India. (Foto AP/B.K. Bangash)

INDIA (VINnews) — Wiretap recordings have surfaced, confirming what has been widely suspected – the Mumbai Chabad House was specifically chosen by terrorists in 2008 because it was a Jewish target.

According to a report in the Jewish Chronicle, Indian intelligence released new recordings of Islamic terrorists discussing the target in 2008 prior to the attack. Six Jews (HY”D) were murdered in the Chabad House.

The recordings confirm that the deployment of 10 heavily armed Pakistani terrorists was not random, but strategically planned.

One of the terrorists appears to be Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, believed to be the mastermind of the attack. Other jihadists have claimed that Lakhvi, who was jailed in Pakistan this year for funding terror, indoctrimated multiple terrorists.

India claims that the attack was funded by the Pakistani intelligence service, allegations which Pakistan denies.

According to the Chronicle, Indian officials informed Israeli filmmaker Oren Rosenfeld about the recordings while producing a documentary about Mumbai’s Jewish community.

He told the outlet: “They’ve got recordings from the terrorists where they specifically mention the Chabad House as a target. When they crossed with the boat to Mumbai they knew where they were headed. That was one of the targets on the list. They knew targeting Jews was going to make more headlines.”

He added: “The Jewish community in India and in Mumbai was never persecuted…There’s a thriving community…It’s a city of 23 million people and it’s made out of many, many different religions and they all get along. The purpose of this attack was to shatter this harmony.”

The wiretaps recorded communications between members of the terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba. During the massive and horrific attack in November 2008, which lasted sixty hours, jihadists used firearms and explosives, murdering 166 and injuring more than 300.

Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, 29, originally from Brooklyn, was killed as well as his wife, 28-year-old Rivka, from Israel. In addition, Jerusalem resident Rabbi Leibish Teitelbaum, 37, also from Brooklyn, who was the kashrus supervisor, was killed, as well as his friend US-Israeli citizen Bentzion Chroman, 28, who tragically left behind a wife and three children, age 5, 2, and 8 months.

Other victims were Israeli grandmother Yocheved Orpaz, 60, and Norma Shvarzblat Rabinovich, 50, a mother of three from Mexico.

The Holtzbergs’ 2 year old son Moshe was miraculously rescued by his Indian nanny, and brought to Israel where he currently lives with relatives.

Source: Vosizneias


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