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New Torah for LA Cheder

A celebration marking students’ memorizing 118,547 lines of Mishnayos, Tanya and more, a new Sefer Torah was welcomed to the Cheder Menachem of Los Angeles dedicated by the Menlo family.

As in the past 12 years from Yud Shvat through Yud Alef Nissan, talmidim of Cheder Menachem in Los Angeles presented a special and most befitting gift for the Rebbe in honor of Yud Alef Nissan with their annual Mishnayos Baal Peh Program; together, the talmidim learned and were tested on a total of 118,547 lines of Mishnayos, Tanya, Siddur and Yediyos Klaliyos.

This number includes 9,040 Mishnayos – including 153 complete Masechtos and 1,104 Perakim, as well as 176 Perakim of Tanya Baal Peh, totaling 13,040 lines of Tanya Beal Peh

This year’s achievements include, Levi Greenbaum, 8th Grade, who learned the entire Seder Moed, Kodshim, as well as many other Masechtos. Levi Greenbaum also learned 2,000 lines of Tanya Be’al Peh (38 Perokim) in honor of the 200th yahrtzeit of the Alter Rebbe this year. Tanya; Yossi Raeburn, 6th Grade, who learned the entire Seder Moed in addition to many other Mesechtos; Levi Mishulovin, 8th Grade, who learned the entire Seder Moed as well as the first 12 Perakim Tanya.

On Sunday, Gimmel Sivan, a special ceremony was held where the talmidim were awarded Seforim as prizes for their efforts and achievements. This year a special addition to the program was the welcoming of a new Sefer Tortah to the Cheder by the Menlo family, a noted philanthropic family and supporters of Torah institutes in Los Angeles. Rebbonim, Roshei Yeshivos, Shluchim, Mashpiyim, parents and friends joined together to recognize and congratulate the achievements of the students, in a tent erected in the public school yard next to the Cheder, and welcome the Torah.

Rabbi Mendel Greenbaum, Menahel of Cheder Menachem, welcomed everyone with a D’var Torah and giving a Yasher Koach to the talmidim. Words of Bracha were shared by Rabbi Shimon HaLevi Raichik, Rav of Anash in Los Angeles and Chabad Hancock Park.

A special presentation was made to Reb Yankel Ginsburg, the “Zevulun” of the Cheder’s MBP Program, who sponsores the Seforim on a yearly basis, L’iluy Nishmas his father, Reb Dov Reuven ben Dovid HaLevi o.b.m. The Cheder presented Reb Yankel with the new Weiss Edition of the Siddur published by Tzivos Hashem.

Rabbi Sholom Heidingsfeld, the coordinator of the Mishnayos Be’al Peh program, announced the accomplishments of this year’s MBP, which was followed by awarding the Seforim to the 4 talmidim with the highest accomplishments. After this, every talmid received their prize according to their achievements.

After the distribution of prizes, Rabbi Mendel Goldman, member of the board of Cheder Menachem introduced Mr. Frank Menlo to do p’sichas h’aron and begin the procession bringing the Torah to the Cheder Shul. The procession was lead by the Cheder Menachem Marching band, followed by the chupa with the Torah and all assembled escorting the Torah to the Shul, where dancing took place before the Torah was placed in the aron Kodesh by Dr. Zev Rav-Noy.

A BBQ buffet catered by MGM Caterers along with a moon bounce for the children, was enjoyed by all in honor of this festive day.

A special thank you to Mrs. Ruchie Stillman, Rabbi Yossi Burston, R’ Nochum Labkowsky, Rabbi Leibel Cohen, Mr. Sam Kustanovich and the Cheder board for all their help in ensuring the success of the day’s events.

Some of the Rabonim and Shluchim who attended include: Rabbi Shimon Raichik, Rav of Anash and Rabbi of Congregation Levi Yitzchok, Rabbi Ezra B. Schochet, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon, Rabbi Yosef Shusterman, Rav of Anash and Shliach to Beverly Hills, Rabbi Mendel Schapiro, Mashpiya in Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon, Rabbi Mendel Cohen, Mashpiya in Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon, Rabbi Amram Farkash, Menahel of the Mesivta Ohr Elchonon, as well as Rabbonim and Shluchim from all over Southern California.

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