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On World Water Day, A Look At The Innovative Tech That Makes Israel A Water Superpower

On World Water Day, A Look At The Innovative Tech That Makes Israel A Water Superpower

By Simona Shemer, NoCamels March 22, 2018

“This article was re-published with permission from – Israeli Innovation News”

The world is facing a growing water crisis as at least half of the global population of 7.6 billion is expected to be living in water-stressed areas by 2025. As of 2017, over two billion people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water according to the World Health Organization.

Last year, the World Resources Institute, a global research non-profit organization focusing on goals for a more sustainable future, listed seven reasons the world is facing a global water crisis. The issues on the list included climate change and its effects on the aridity of a region, water demand, depleted groundwater, water waste, poor water infrastructure, lack of healthy ecosystems, and the price of water for investors and the general public.

Israel, a nation that is 50 percent made up of desert, and with recurring droughts has over the years faced these challenges. Since the founding of the modern state, limited precipitation, a difficult desert climate, water waste, lacking infrastructure and a growing population have been adversaries to the water effort. Israel has been able to conquer each and every one of these issues with the Israeli government, scientists and companies developed cutting-edge solutions.

Almost a billion people lack basic, safe drinking water, as of 2018, according to the World Health Organization.

In honor of World Water Day, an annual observance on March 22 established by the United Nations to highlight the importance of freshwater, NoCamels takes a look at the wide range of innovative water tech coming from Israel. From seawater desalination and drip irrigation to water conservation, water recycling, wastewater treatment, and water purification, Israel has become a leader in the development of advanced water technology. And it has been sharing its knowledge with the world.

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