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Orthodox Jewish Chaplaincy Board Sukkos 5773

The Orthodox Jewish Chaplaincy Board (OJCB) conducted Sukkos programs for Jewish Inmates at Los Angeles County Men’s Central Jail and Twin Tower Correctional Facility during Chol Hamoed Sukkos.
The Jewish Inmates were able to participate in the Mitzvah of Lulav and Esrog. They heard divrei Torah from the OJCB Chaplains and they sang and recited tefilos and Tehilim. The Chaplains also distributed Jewish reading material to them. It was an uplifting experience for those who are experiencing difficult times.
The L.A. County Jail System is not a ‘long term’ prison but a ‘temporary’ detention facility for those awaiting trial for violating the law. It is not uncommon to find an inmate ‘locked up’ for thirty, sixty or ninety days for a traffic violation! Many inmates are there for more egregious crimes and when convicted they will go to State Prison.
Sheriff Lee Baca and the LASD Religious & Volunteer Services Unit has always been extremely supportive of Inmates of all religions and their right to participate in religious services. The OJCB visits all Jewish Inmates and is there to help these unfortunate souls during this dark time of their lives and help rehabilitate them physically and spiritually.
The OJCB is in desperate need of soft cover seforim and other reading materials, Hebrew/English, Hebrew/Farsi and English only. All books must be new or in good condition with no notes or anything written inside. A tax deductible receipt will be sent to all contributors.

Send your tax-deductible contributions to:
Orthodox Jewish Chaplaincy Board,
P.O. Box 480454, Los Angeles, CA 90036.

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