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OU Advocacy Leadership Mission to DC

OU Advocacy Leadership Mission to DC (June 3, 2015)

Last week, 120 leaders of the Orthodox Union and scores of communities from nine states came to Washington, DC on OU Advocacy’s Annual Leadership Mission.

The event advocated for Israel’s security in the face of the Iranian nuclear threat; for supporting synagogues’ safety through federal homeland security grants; and for new resources for our schools and other nonprofits through energy efficiency grants.

Highlights of the OU Advocacy Leadership Mission to DC (June 3, 2015) Featuring: Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Ambassador of Israel Ron Dermer, Rep. John Kline, Rep. Chris Van Hollen, Sen. Cory Booker, Sen. Barbara Mikulski, Sen. Joe Manchin, Sen. Kirstin Gillibrand, Sen. John Hoeven, Sen. Chuck Schumer, Sen. James Lankford, Sen. Rob Portman, Sen. Bob Menendez, Sen. Ben Cardin, Sen. Chris Coons

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