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Pence Reportedly Plans To Attend Biden’s Inauguration

Vice President Mike Pence. (File Photo).

Vice President Mike Pence reportedly plans to attend the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, amid rumors that President Donald Trump will boycott the ceremony.

Three sources close to the vice president said his appearance at the Jan. 20 inauguration was “likely,” according to Politico.

Pence’s decision, according to sources, was reportedly made easier after Trump publicly demanded that he overturn the Electoral College results, an action that Pence declared
was not within his constitutional authority.

Pence, who has long been one of Trump’s closest allies, was reportedly incensed with him for such rhetoric.

“It was a much more difficult decision days ago, but less difficult now,” a person close to Pence said.

As The Daily Wire reported, Pence was furious with Trump over the way the president has handled his loss to President-elect Joe Biden, according to a Republican senator.

Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma had a “long conversation” with Pence on Tuesday night, a day before pro-Trump rioters broke into the Capitol in Washington, D.C. in protest of the election results. Inhofe relayed that Pence felt a sense of betrayal from the president after Trump attacked him over the Electoral College certification.

“I’ve known Mike Pence forever,” Inhofe said Tuesday night, according to Tulsa World. “I’ve never seen Pence as angry as he was today.”

“I had a long conversation with him,” Inhofe added. “He said, ‘After all the things I’ve done for [Trump].’”

Pence’s anger at his boss is likely to not have abated on Wednesday after the president ramped up pressure on Pence, requesting him to refuse to certify Biden’s election victory. Congress certified Biden’s victory early Thursday morning with Pence presiding over the joint session.

On Wednesday evening, Inhofe said that Trump should have done more after rioting among his supporters broke out in the Capitol. Four people died in the riot, including one woman who was shot by police.

“This was really a riot. He should have shown more disdain for the rioters. I don’t want to say he should have apologized — that’s not exactly accurate — but he should have expressed more disdain,” Inhofe said.

It remains uncertain whether the outgoing president will attend Biden’s inauguration, whose electoral victory Trump has repeatedly described as illegitimate. Rumors have swirled that instead, he might choose to visit foreign soil.

The Daily Wire quoted a report from the United Kingdom that President Donald Trump
may be planning to take a trip to Scotland on Jan. 19, one day before Democrat Joe
Biden is set to be inaugurated as president.

“Prestwick airport has been told to expect the arrival of a US military Boeing 757 aircraft, that is occasionally used by Trump, on January 19 – the day before his Democratic rival takes charge at the White House,” according to The Sunday Post.

(Daily Wire).

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