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Phyllis Shallman – How To Stop Worrying About Money

Worried about money? Tell someone.

And that doesn’t mean anxious chit-chat or throwaway lines about how money’s tight. Those are attempts at starting a conversation, hoping that the other person notices how you feel.

What you need is to sit down and talk with someone you trust. Someone you can be honest with. Someone who will listen without judgment.

When it comes to money, most of us are our own worst critic. We’re ashamed to admit that we don’t have enough, or that we’re struggling to make ends meet.

And shame loves silence. That’s because silence keeps you confused. It allows negative thoughts, often unfounded, to bounce around and fester and grow.

But something amazing happens when you talk to someone who listens—as the words leave your mouth, your perspective changes.

Maybe you feel relief. Maybe you feel re-energized. Maybe you see your fears in a different light.

Once you’ve actually brought your worries into the open, you’ll find the clarity you need to make a plan. And that plan further soothes your worries.

Make no mistake—talking honestly is hard. It demands vulnerability. That doesn’t happen with everyone. Only a few people will give you the sense of safety and comfort you need to speak openly.

But once you find those people, they become your rocks. They empower you to conquer your fear. They help you calm your worries and achieve financial peace of mind. And it all starts with talking.

If you need a space to talk about your finances, judgment free, contact me. I’m more than happy to hear your story and help you make a plan for a better future.

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