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PM vows to counter Iran’s nuclear ambitions even at cost of ‘friction with US’

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks about Iran during the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly | Photo: Reuters / Carlo Allegri

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony for newly appointed Mossad chief David Barnea, Netanyahu calls the US “our greatest friend” but says a nuclear Iran could threaten the continuation of the Zionist enterprise.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Tuesday that he would not shy away from a clash with the US as part of his efforts to counter Iran’s nuclear program to ensure Israel’s survival.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony for newly appointed Mossad chief David Barnea, Netanyahu vowed that “Israel will deny Iran nuclear weapons” even if that complicates its relations with “our greatest friend: the United States.”

According to Netanyahu, Israel might have to ultimately choose between “friction with the US and removing an existential threat” and it will choose the latter, which he said was constantly growing. But he added that he hoped Israel would not have to make that choice.

Netanyahu added: “The greatest threat we face is the existential threat created by Iran’s attempts to get nuclear weapons. This could be in the form of threatening us – a small and clustered country – with annihilation, or with tens of thousands of missiles that would get a nuclear umbrella. This could pose a threat to the Zionist enterprise and we must counter this without stopping.”

Netanyahu said that in his recent conversation with US President Joe Biden – whom he called “my friend for the last 40 years” – he said that Israel would continue with its efforts to counter the Islamic republic “with or without a nuclear deal.”

The Biden administration is currently holding talks with Tehran over the lifting of sanctions in return for the freezing of its nuclear program, but Israel firmly believes such a deal will pave the way for Iran’s nuclearization and, at best, only briefly and temporarily stall it.

Netanyahu then stressed again that “we will continue doing everything we can to thwart Iran’s attempts to get nuclear weapons.”

(Israel Hayom).

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