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Psalm 146: Azamra official music video by Jeremy Gimpel

How did the prophets of Israel start their mornings and begin their days?

Jeremy Gimpel produced a new album called David’s Vision: Pesukei d’Zimra. The theme is set in his new release Azamra of which he says: “If you win the morning, you win the day. If you change your days, you change your life.

“I have spent the last four years deep in the mountains of Judea, in the place that Kind David wrote most of the Book of Psalms. I have come daily to these mountains seeking an encounter, trying to find the inspiration that David experienced when he wrote the Psalms. Alone with my guitar, I would sing and pray his words….days after day.

“In this world of confusion and separation, doubts and cynicism, some of the clarity and strength I have found was discovered in moments of praise, exaltation, gratitude and worship. The melodies that emerged in those encounters became the songs in this album. This album is the journal of experiences I had in the sacred mountains and this book is a collection of the insights, tips and tactics I’ve discovered while following the guidance of ancient Israel.”

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