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Rabbinate Decides on Unified Kosher Symbol for All Rabbanut Kashrus in Israel

Rabbinate Decides on Unified Kosher Symbol for All Rabbanut Kashrus in Israel


A celebratory conference was held on Wednesday by the Council of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. The celebration was in honor of the first ever universal kosher symbol in Israel being unveiled. Sephardic Chief Rabbi, Hagaon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef oversaw the proceedings.

The new universal kashrus symbol which hopes to replace the various local council symbols for the Rabbanut across Israel incorporates elements of the symbol of the State in an effort to encourage all local council rabbinates to use the universal symbol as opposed to their own local one.

The conference also discussed the need to appoint new Chief Rabbis to the cities of Metulla and Bnei Brak following the deaths of Rabbi Pechter and Rabbi Rokeach respectively.

The change came about as a result of a committee recommendation to allow for a single recognizable kashrus symbol to be put on all kosher food across Israel, making the job of the kosher-conscious consumer easier when shopping.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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