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Report: Israel To Promote Saudi ‘Jordan Is Palestine’ Solution At UN To Foil Palestinian Diplomatic Efforts

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In a move intended to promote a Saudi initiative which would foil Palestinian attempts for UN recognition, Israel is readying to submit a plan for a Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine at the UN, according to a report by the Jordan Is Palestine Committee, a group aiming to promote a territorial division between Israel and Jordan which would facilitate peace in Judea, Samaria and Gaza.

The plan, issued in June 2022 on the Al-Arabiya television channel, calls for an end to the failed two-state solution being touted over the last two decades in international diplomacy. Instead, the Saudi plan, developed by Ali Shihabi, an advisor to the Saudi King-designate Mohammed Bin Salman, sees Amman as the capital of a Palestinian entity which would merge Jordan, Gaza and part of Judea and Samaria.

Israel would maintain control of all of Jerusalem and a significant portion of Judea and Samaria, while Jordan will control the rest of Judea, Samaria and Gaza, a move which would boost their international status and at the same time weaken the terrorist groups operating in these regions. At the same time, the Palestinians living abroad would waive the right of return to Israel but receive international aid to improve their refugee status.

Israel’s UN ambassador Danny Danon recently discussed the prospects of an Israel-Saudi peace treaty which could be promoted by the new Israeli government:

“We have been in contact with the Saudis for years. I worked personally with them at the United Nations on matters of regional stability and security. It’s just a matter of time before courageous leaders step out of the shadows and full peace is achieved between all the children of Abraham. .. I expect we’ll see an agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia this year.”

Despite these positive developments, the UN continues to adopt resolutions on Palestine without even referring to the Saudi initiative. Cheikh Niang (Senegal) – Chair of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People – introduced the annual report containing developments relating to the question of Palestine between 1 September 2021 and 31 August 2022 – which did not even refer once to the Saudi initiative.

Israeli Prime Minister-designate Bibi Netanyahu has made his intentions crystal-clear:

“I think the big prize is peace with Saudi Arabia, which I intend to achieve if I go back into office… The rise of Israeli power facilitated the Abraham Accords, and the continual nurturing of Israeli power will also nurture a broader peace with Saudi Arabia and nearly all of the rest of the Arab world. I intend to bring the Arab-Israeli conflict to a close.”

Source: VosIzNeias

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