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Report: Jordanian MP caught smuggling weapons into Israel

Israeli authorities arrest Jordanian lawmaker reportedly caught smuggling hundreds of guns, hundreds of pounds of gold, into Israel.

A Jordanian member of parliament was arrested by Israeli authorities after he allegedly attempted to smuggle weapons and gold into Israel, Jordanian media outlets reported Sunday.

AmmanNet identified the lawmaker as MP Imad Udwan, claiming that he was arrested by Israeli border personnel while trying to use his diplomatic passport to smuggle hundreds of weapons from Jordan into Israel through the King Hussein Bridge and across the Allenby Crossing on Israel’s eastern border.

Israeli authorities reportedly discovered three bags containing 12 assault rifles, 270 medium and small weapons, and 100 kilos (220 pounds) of gold, worth some $6.6 million.

Reportedly, the inspection was not initially scheduled to be carried out. However, Israeli border guards received a tip which led them to conduct the inspection and ultimately to seize the contraband.

Former MP Tarek Sami Khoury Udwan was attempting to smuggle gold, claiming Israeli authorities fabricated the allegation to make it appear as if Udwan was motivated by financial concerns.

Source: Arutz 7

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