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Russia Wants to Recover the U.S. Drone Downed Over the Black Sea

Aggressive actions by a Russian pilot forced the U.S. to down a surveillance drone over the Black Sea, and now Russia wants to recover what’s left of it. “I don’t know if we can recover them or not, but we will certainly have to do that, and we will deal with it. I certainly hope for success,” said Nikolai Patrushev, who leads Russia’s Security Council.

Patrushev pointed to the incident as evidence of American involvement in the war in Ukraine, which Russia has repeatedly criticized. U.S. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby claimed the kind of flight the MQ-9 Reaper drone was undertaking was not uncommon, adding that the drone was in international airspace and flying over international waters when the confrontation occurred. “The last thing that we want, certainly the last thing that anybody should want, is for this war in Ukraine to escalate to become something between the United States and Russia,” Kirby told CNN. Read more. 

Source: Matzav/CNN

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