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Several Injured in Terror Attack in Jerusalem

Several Injured in Terror Attack on (Shushan) Purim Morning in Jerusalem

A terror attack in Jerusalem on Friday morning, March 6 left five people injured when a car drove into them at a light rail station. Magen David Adom (MDA) was alerted at 9:48 AM that a number of people were injured on Shimon HaTzadik street when a car slammed into a group of people including three female police officers in early reports.

MDA spokesman Zaki Heller said that paramedics immediately arrived on scene and treated the five who were injured, all who were conscious. Early reports indicate that two of the victims were moderately injured.

Shimon HaTzadik street was the site the November 5, hit and run terror attack that killed one border police offer and injured 13 people.


.Description: scene of terror Friday morning March 6, in Jerusalem
Credit: David Diamant
.Description: scene of terror Friday morning March 6, in Jerusalem
Credit: David Diamant
.Description: scene of terror Friday morning March 6, in Jerusalem
Credit: David Diamant
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