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Shaked: Attempt to negate Israeli democracy

Ayelet Shaked ISTOCK

Former Justice Minister slams Blue and White, Joint Arab List for attempting to push legislation barring Netanyahu from being prime minister

Eitan Divinsky,  04/03/20 22:23

Former Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked (Yamina) on Wednesday attacked the imitative of the Blue and White and Joint Arab List parties to advance legislation that would prohibit the president from imposing the task of forming a government to people under indictment.

“The left-wing camp that has the rule of law in its throat is trying to change the rules of the game and cancel the results of elections right afterwards through personal and retroactive legislation, is a violation of the foundation of Israeli democracy,” Shaked said.

On the results of the election, Shaked said, “Of course, we expected more, and the right-wing bloc will achieve 61 seats. We have to wait for the results of the truth and see how a government can be formed. For the Israeli public, every effort must be made to form a government.”

“Of course we would be happy if Liberman would come in but even if not alternatives will have to be found,” MK Shaked stressed.

Earlier, due to Blue and White’s attempt to pass a law that would prevent Netanyahu from forming a government, Knesset legal advisor Ilan Yinun made it clear that private legislation is not possible during this period. “As a rule, the Knesset plenum and Knesset committees do not convene in the two weeks between the elections and when the new Knesset convenes.”

Source: Arutz Sheva

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