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Shaked: New Right Seeks Double Digit Representation In Next Knesset.

Photo by Kobi Richter/TPS on 31 December, 2018

Shaked: New Right Seeks Double Digit Representation In Next Knesset.


By Mara Vigevani/TPS • 31 December, 2018



Next term will be the last for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked said Monday.

Speaking at the Calcalist financial daily’s “Outlook 2019” conference in Tel Aviv, Shaked also said that New Right, the party she formed last week together with Bayit Yehudi Chairman and  Education Minister Naftali Bennett, hopes to serve as a senior member of Netanyahu’s next government, should he be voted back into power in the elections called for April 9.

“My estimation is that this will be the prime minister’s last term because he is not young. We do not know what will happen with the investigations, I hope the cases will be closed and that he will finish his term, but I  really do not what will happen,” Shaked said. “It’s no secret that I want to hold the Justice Ministry again. We influenced at dramatic points. Since Bennett stopped the release of terrorists to [Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas] Abu Mazen in the previous government, no more terrorists have been released.”

Shaked also expressed optimism regarding the new party in the next election.

“We didn’t expect to win 20 mandates in the first poll,” she said, “ but we aspire to double-digit seats”.


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