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Sheldon and Miriam Adelson

Sheldon and Miriam Adelson

(19 of 70) JNS is proud to partner with the Embassy of Israel in Washington, D.C., to celebrate 70 of the greatest American contributors to the U.S.-Israel relationship in the 70 days leading up to the State of Israel’s 70th anniversary.

(Embassy of Israel in Washington via JNS) Many successful business people struggle to think of causes to which they might devote their energies. This dilemma has never seemed to afflict Sheldon and Miriam Adelson. Sheldon, an entrepreneur and casino magnate, and Miriam, a doctor of medical research, have known great success in their respective fields. Determined to put the fruits of their success to work, both in the present and for the future, they have single-mindedly devoted themselves to projects and institutions that benefit the Jewish people and the Jewish state.

It would be impossible to mention here all the Zionist and Israeli causes which the Adelsons have supported over their years of activism. Every year, the Adelsons give over $200 million to causes that directly support Israel and the Jewish people. Major beneficiaries have included Birthright Israel, Yad Vashem, and programs that directly benefit Israeli soldiers. Known for their interest in education, the Adelsons have also funded Jewish day schools in America and educational initiatives in Israel.

Medical research and care has been a particular emphasis of Dr. Miriam Adelson, and the Adelsons have offered extensive support to medical research and medical facilities in both America and in Israel. In June 2017, it was announced that a new medical school bearing the name of the Adelsons would open at Israel’s Ariel University, a fitting donation to a growing university that reflects the Adelsons’ emphasis on both education and medical science, as well as their Zionism.

In recent years, the Adelsons have also devoted themselves to combatting movements and ideas that defame and delegitimize the state of Israel. Noting the regrettable rise of hostility to Israel on North American college campuses, the Adelsons have spearheaded efforts to combat this hostility and support educators who tell the truth about the Jewish state. They have also fought against the antisemitic Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions movement, which, under the veneer of standing up for Palestinian rights, singles out Israel for economic warfare.

Over the centuries, the Jewish people and the Jewish state have been blessed with great philanthropists, like the Rothschilds and Montefiores, who dedicated themselves to helping their people. Our generation has been blessed with the Adelsons, whose generosity and unflappability have earned them an honored place in the pantheon of Israel’s greatest friends.

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