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Shock Video Shows Near-Indisputable Evidence of Election Fraud in AZ

ARIZONA (VINNews) — A new video has surfaced suggesting there may have been massive election fraud in Arizona’s infamous Maricopa County.

In the shocking footage, an election worker is seen approving ballot signatures at almost superhuman speed.

The worker is seen “verifying” and accepting 71 mail-in ballots in a period of about 90 seconds (less than 2 seconds per ballot). Contrast this to the woman next to him who only approved just 9 signatures in the same time frame, a far more reasonable pace.

Pretty stunning.


The man on the left was motionless and not comparing the signatures, while the woman on the right is attentively comparing and verifying. In one clip, the worker on the left appears to fall asleep on multiple occasions.

The employee does not even appear to check the signatures at all, but instead accepts them at near-lightning speed. Even more disturbing, according to the Gateway Pundit, this one individual verified almost 27,000 signatures.

According to data, nearly 240,000 ballots in the county were verified in less than three seconds each. 80% of Arizona voters used mail-in ballots.

On Friday, Maricopa County attorney Joe La Rue admitted that signature verification is “subjective” and “something of an art”.

“It’s not really an exact science,” stated La Ru.

That is pretty frightening, considering it is the process by which the president of the US is determined.

Republican candidate Kari Lake has alleged that the 2022 election for Arizona governor was stolen from her. A court battle is currently ensuing.

Source: VosIzNeias

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