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SHOCKING: UNRWA Official Held Israeli Captive Locked Up In Attic For 50 Days

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — The UNRWA (United Nations Relief Work Organization) has always touted itself as being uninvolved in the Israel-Hamas conflict, ostensibly due to its stated goal of providing humanitarian aid in the Gaza strip. The organization was formally established in 1949 by U.N. resolution and tasked with carrying out direct relief to 700,000 Palestinians who were displaced by the Arab-Israeli war of 1948.

For over 70 years, the U.N. General Assembly has continued to renew UNRWA’s mandate, instructing the agency to provide health care, housing and financial assistance to Palestinian refugees throughout Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Thus the organization has enabled refugees to maintain their status, dream of returning to “Palestine” and receive huge international funding in the meantime.

However despite its spurious claims of neutrality, UNRWA is clearly aligned with Hamas, to the point that it even aided their kidnapping activities.

One of the recently released hostages was held for 50 days in the attic of an UNRWA teacher, according to a report by Israeli Channel 13 News correspondent Almog Boker

“The abductee, held for nearly 50 days in an attic, reveals he was held by a UNRA teacher – a father of ten children. This teacher locked the victim away, barely provided food, and neglected medical needs,” Boker wrote on X (Formerly Twitter).

“But wait, there’s more! Another abductee was held captive by a Gazan doctor who, simultaneously, cared for children. These are not isolated incidents; these civilians are terrorists. Present at the Saturday massacre, they’re now revealed as integral to holding hundreds captive, including women and children,” he added.

UNRWA has frequently been criticized for its connections to the Hamas terrorist organization and the extreme antisemitism of many of its employees, including teachers. Its curricula and summer camps teach children to want to kill Israelis. Yet the report by Boker is incontrovertible proof of its involvement in terrorist activities and the need for the international community to disassociate from this terrorist entity and defund it for good.

Source: VosIzNeias

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