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Tanya Printed in Israel’s Trump Heights

A group of Lubavitchers printed an edition of the Tanya Sunday in the newly inaugurated Trump Heights in Israel, one will be gifted to President Donald Trump.

The news of President Donald Trump’s recognition of the Golan Heights as Israeli territory and the Israeli government’s subsequent founding of a new neighborhood in the Golan has dominated the news media.

What has not made the news, however, is a campaign of another sort for the welfare of the Golan and specifically the new neighborhood.

When the announcement of the founding of Trump Heights reached Chabad students finishing their year of yeshiva studies in Yeshivas Tzeirei Hashluchim Tzfat, one thing came to their minds – that they should print a Tanya.

In 1978 the Lubavitcher Rebbe initiated a campaign to print the Tanya – the seminal work of Chabad Philosophy – in every corner of the globe.

The founder of Chassidus, the Ba’al Shem Tov, taught that when the “wellsprings of Chassidic teaching” reach the farthermost areas, Moshiach will be ready to come.

The Rebbe explained that the printing of Tanya in a place has a tremendous impact on that place, bringing increased spiritual awareness to the people living there.

Since the 1970s, Chabad shluchim and individuals have taken up the Rebbe’s call, and Tanyas have been printed in thousands of locations, some as remote as Trinidad and recently even in the Arab state of Qatar.

To make the printing in the new neighborhood a reality, the students reached out to Rabbi Hertzel who oversees Chabad’s activities in Ramat Hagolan.

Working together and within a very short time, the entire operation was set up. This Sunday, surrounded by enthusiastic local residents and the vast hills of the Golan Heights, 100 crisp copies of the Tanya rolled off the press in Ramat Trump.

The Tanyas will be distributed free to the local residents while a leather-bound copy of this unique Tanya has been produced to be presented to Mr. David M. Friedman, the Ambassador of the United States to Israel.

They will also be gifted to President Trump and Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.

“May this incredible endeavor bring much peace and blessing to Israel and its inhabitants,” the bochurim said.

Source: Collive

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