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Ten of Fifteen Killed in Gaza Protests Identified by IDF as Terrorists 

Ten of Fifteen Killed in Gaza Protests Identified by IDF as Terrorists

Written by Yona Schnitzer/TPS on April 01, 2018

An investigation carried out by the IDF and Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) has found that ten of the fifteen Gazans killed in Friday’s March of Return were terror operatives. The findings came hours after Hamas admitted that five of those killed were members of the terror organization’s military wing.

Those identified as terrorists are: Hamdan Abu Amshe (25) – an active Hamas operative, Ahmad Odeh (19) – a resident of Gaza city and an active member of Hamas’ Shati Battalion, Jihad Frina (35) – a company commander in Hamas’ military wing, Sari Abu Odeh (28) – active operative in Hamas’ Beit Hanoun Battalion, Jihad Zuhier Salman Abu Jamo (30) – active operative in al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade, Ebraheem Abu Sha’er (29) – active operative for the Islamic Jihad organization in Gaza, Abed Elraham Abed (20) – active member of Hamas’ military wing Muhammad Abu Amro (27) – active operative of Hamas’ tunnel digging unit, and Muhammad Rahmi (33) – an active Hamas operative.

The tenth terror operative was identified as Mosa’ab Salol (23) – an active member of Hamas’ military wing, who, along with another operative, opened fire on Israeli forces on the border on Friday before being neutralized.

According to Arab media, Israel is currently holding the body of Salol, and according to Palestinian sources, is also holding the body of the second operative.

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