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Terrorists Fire Rocket; IDF Retaliates

A rocket fired from Gaza struck the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council last night. In retaliation, the IDF attacked an underground rocket launcher in the central Gaza Strip and a terror site in the northern Gaza Strip. Direct hits were confirmed.

Since the beginning of 2014, 34 rockets have been launched from Gaza at Israeli civilian targets. 40% of civilians in Israel are in danger of Hamas rockets.

Lt Col. Peter Lerner, IDF Spokesperson stated: “The IDF targeted sites that were part of the infrastructure used to terrorize Israel and its civilians. The daily reality of Israelis exposed to rocket attacks is unbearable, incomprehensible and immoral. We will continue to act against the threats emanating from Hamas’ Gaza Strip; they must be held accountable for allowing the attacks to continue unhindered.”

Early Sunday morning Israeli aircraft successfully targeted a Popular Resistance Committees terror operative in the central Gaza Strip. He was affiliated with global Jihad and was involved in numerous incidents of rocket fire towards Israel.

Speaking at the start of his government’s weekly cabinet meeting, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu warned, “Our resolute policy against terrorism can be summed up in a single principle: Whoever attacks us or plans to attack us – will bear the consequences.”

“We will not tolerate the disruption of our citizens’ lives and will act forcefully against anyone who harms or tries to harm Israel,” Israeli Defense Minister Ya’alon said earlier this week. “We see Hamas as responsible for what happens in the Gaza Strip, and if it does not know how to impose its authority in its territory, it will also pay the price.”

By Aryeh Savir

Tazpit News Agency 


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