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The Shmuz “Marriage Seminar Tour West- A Real Success”

On May 8th-18th, the Jewish community of LA was privileged to once again host Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier of The Shmuz.

On May 8th-18th, the Jewish community of LA was privileged to once again host Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier of The Shmuz. Rabbi Shafier has a loyal following in LA, which was the latest stop on Rabbi Shafier’s ongoing “Marriage Seminar Tour.”

The Marriage Seminar is Rabbi Shafier’s response to the reality of the unfortunate spread of divorce and troubled marriages in our communities. The Marriage Seminar was produced by Rabbi Shafier to address these realities and remedy the issues that they sprout.

On Thursday, May 8th through Motzei Shabbos, Rabbi Shafier presented The Marriage Seminar at Shaarey Zedek. “The Shabbaton was a huge success and was enjoyed by everyone”. On Sunday, May 11th, he presented a full day Marriage Seminar at Bait Aaron Torah Outreach Center which was extremely meaningful to all the participants.  On Wed, May 15th, Rabbi Shafier spoke to the Yachad Kollel on the topic of “Building a Focused Family in a Distracted Generation.” He discussed the perils of obsession with today’s hi-tech devices and how their usage, the benefits notwithstanding, severely compromises the quality of our spiritual growth and our relationships. The last Shabbos of his visit was at Anshe Emes Synagogue presenting “Bitachon in Facing Challenges”, which was very well received.

While in LA, Rabbi Shafier also addressed the talmidim in Ner Aryeh and Yeshiva Ohr Chanoch about teenage nisyonos and gadlus haAdam.

Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier has been delivering his Torah lectures across America and beyond for a decade.  His lectures have impacted Jews worldwide and from all walks of life.


On May 8th-18th, the Jewish community of LA was privileged to once again host Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier of The Shmuz.
On May 8th-18th, the Jewish community of LA was privileged to once again host Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier of The Shmuz.
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