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Thousands of Americans Sign Petition Calling for Ouster of ‘Hamas Plant in Congress’ Ilhan Omar

Laurie Cardoza-Moore, head of the Franklin, Tennessee-based group Proclaiming Justice To the Nations (PJTN).

By Aryeh Savir/TPS • 27 February, 2019


Thousands of Americans have signed a petition launched by the Proclaiming Justice to The Nations (PJTN) organization calling for the ouster of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D.-MN) from Congress over her “anti-Semitic tirades on Twitter.”

Omar sparked controversy earlier this month after she tweeted that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) was paying American politicians to support Israel.

“Ilhan Omar is waging an unholy war against the Jewish people from Congress. She is about to learn that the Jewish people don’t stand alone, millions of people of faith and conscience stand with the Jewish people. We will neither sleep nor slumber as she uses the heart of American democracy and freedom to defame God’s chosen people and God’s chosen land,” stated Laurie Cardoza-Moore, President of PJTN.

Cardoza-Moore further suggested that Omar is “a Hamas plant in Congress that must go.” She made the allegation after it was revealed that Omar was a keynote speaker for the Islamic Relief USA in Tampa last Thursday, and will be the keynote speaker at an upcoming Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) fundraiser in Los Angeles.

Cardoza-Moore said that CAIR is the American arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, in addition to having close ties to the Hamas and Hezbollah terror organizations. While Omar has since deleted her controversial tweets, CAIR voiced support of them, stating that it “does not feel there was any anti-Semitic meaning in her tweet, but due to the brevity some took it as such.”

Omar has issued a lukewarm apology for her contentious statements.

However, Cardoza-Moore charged that Omar “covertly represents Hamas in the US Congress,” and called “to act now before this blows up in our faces.”

“CAIR and Hamas are one in the same. Ilhan Omar openly fundraising for CAIR means she is not just a rabid anti-Semite, but a real threat to our national security,” she further charged.

Omar has previously labeled Israel an “apartheid regime” that has “hypnotized the world” and accused it of “evil doings” in the Gaza Strip.

She vowed to “continue to wage our national campaign to unite American patriots against this dangerous phenomenon. We the people demand that members of a subversive anti-Semitic organization, with close ties to terrorist groups, not be made welcome in our Congress.”


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