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TRAFFIC ALERT: LA Marathon Today!

This coming Sunday is the LA Marathon. It is not coming directly into HP or Pico Robertson area this year. It will probably impact traffic around the city as well as getting to and from the Valley. PLEASE PLAN ACCORDINGLY. <- closure info and




Course Route (Closed to Vehicular Traffic)


Residents & Businesses

My home or business is right along the LA Marathon course, how do I get in and out of my driveway if it leads directly into the course?

While the LA Marathon is in progress, no vehicle will be allowed on the course route.  So if the driveway to your home or business leads directly to the course route, no vehicle will be allowed to leave or enter your driveway until the Officials reopen the streets in your area.  If you must use your car on race day, please park your vehicle, the night before, around the block or on a nearby street that doesn’t have any parking restrictions on race day.

The entrance to my home/business is not on the LA Marathon course route, however is located on a street that appears to be closed.  How can I reach my home/business?

Please check our map to see if there is an alternate path to your home or business via a smaller street.  If there are none, or your home or business is on the block adjacent to the course route, slowly approach the Officers or Transportation Engineers at the location and kindly ask them for access to the street and explain to them that you live or work locally within the closure area, but not on the course route itself.

I normally park my vehicle on a street that the course route is going through.  Can I leave my vehicle parked there during the event?

No, you may not.  If you normally park your vehicle overnight on a street that the Marathon course will be going through, please park your vehicle, the night before, around the block or on a nearby street that doesn’t have any parking restrictions on race day.  Otherwise, your vehicle will be cited and towed away to the local impound yard.

Why are major streets closed blocks away from the LA Marathon route?

Since major streets or arterials tend to carry more traffic, often times, these streets are closed at the major intersections blocks before the course or event route in order to more efficiently detour the heavy traffic to other major streets that can handle it.  Otherwise, the smaller residential streets directly adjacent to the course routes will become clogged and saturated with vehicles that don’t quite have an outlet.

How do I get to my destination that’s on the other side of the route?

If you must drive to your destination on the other side of the course route, you can use the orange detour routes shown on the Commuterama map to navigate yourself over, under, or around the course route at several points.

If your destination is just on the other side of the course route, it may be best to simply park your vehicle on a street that’s on your side of the course route, and walk across it to your destination.  This may save you a lot of time from having to navigate detour routes that a lot of other motorists are probably also using.  Please use caution, however, if you do decide to walk across the route during the marathon.  It is a race after all!

Why have the streets near the LA Marathon Course Route become Temporary No Parking zones even though the Course Route is blocks away?

Major streets that are parallel or near to the course route are often used as detour routes.  To increase the efficiency or capacity of these detour routes during the event, parking restrictions are often put in place on these streets.  Please pay attention to any temporary parking restriction signs posted.  Parking enforcement will be strictly enforced in all cities on race day.

My vehicle was impounded because it was in a Temporary No Parking zone, where do I go to retrieve my vehicle?

Depending on what city your car was towed in, you will have to contact the appropriate law or parking enforcement agency.  This year’s LA Marathon goes through several different cities.


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