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Trevo Health & Wellness Taking Orthodox Community By Storm!

Trevo  Health & Wellness Taking Orthodox Community By Storm!

TJL Sat down with Joe Lutman  from Trevo to help explain Trevo’s health benefits and some background on how he became envolved with Trevo LLC

Could you please explain what Trevo is?

Trevo is a revolutionary liquid formula consisting of 174 natural ingredients gathered from around the globe that provides you and your family with a quick, delicious, easy way to Restore, Renew and Revive your bodies. This unique one-of-a-kind formula is the world’s ONLY complete health system in “ONE” bottle offering the finest ingredients nature has to offer. Trevo’s four and a half year worldwide quest was dedicated to finding and obtaining nutrients that have the power to not only sustain life, but to actually protect mankind from disease and prolong his longevity; nutrients that actually hold the secrets to wellness.

All anyone needs to do is  call or text at 323.493.1984 or send an email to and order your Trevo today!

How did you become involved with it?

Through my personal business ventures I am honored to associate with some of the highest echelon individuals internationally. I have been incredibly fortunate to have met Mark Stevens who is the President, CEO and Founder of Trevo International LLC.  When I was initially introduced to Mr. Stevens, I was astounded to meet someone so dedicated for people and families to be healthy and nutritionally sound so they can live a great life.

What is the story behind Trevo?

The journey toward the creation of Trevo actually began years ago when Mark Stevens was a young boy. As he watched his mother suffer years of pain and debilitation due to chronic illness, he also witnessed the hopelessness and depression that this long-term illness caused. His mother’s physical condition caused her to be hospitalized for days and even weeks. She was seen by the finest doctor’s in the nation and given one prescription drug after another. Not only were these physicians unable to find a solution for her suffering, but the adverse effects of the drugs prescribed took a terrible toll on her body’s systems.  Watching helplessly as his mother suffered so much for so long became Mark’s driving motivation in creating Trevo. He became passionate about helping people live healthy lives so they could avoid the kind of health crisis that his own mother suffered. Mark always believed that nutrition was the essential key for the body to be healthy and assist in dealing on a cellular level with the health challenges that so many of us suffer with today.  


Unfortunately, so many nutritional products are not certified Kosher. To my great surprise Trevo is not only certified strictly Kosher but is Gluten, Soy, Caffeine free along with being 100% vegetarian, which means it is free of any meat, poultry or seafood, making it a viable option for so many people, regardless of specific diet choices. Trevo is tested and certified by Brunswick Laboratories , scoring a phenomenal rating of over 373,000 per bottle. This is truly super-nutrition at its best and is ideal for everyone in your family, children and adults alike and you’ll LOVE its light, delicious taste. Of course I couldn’t wait to begin using Trevo for myself.

 Why Trevo? There is an array of wellness products on the market. What makes Trevo different from all the others?

You might be surprised to learn that six of the ten leading causes of death in the United States alone have been directly linked to poor nutritional choices and overeating. This sobering information underscores the fact that good nutrition is one of our greatest weapons against disease.

A patent technology called micronization allows 174 life-giving nutrients to be broken down to the smallest molecule with an absorption rate of 98%.  Providing your body with essential vitamins and minerals, as well as trace minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, powerful antioxidants, digestive enzymes, and co-enzyme Q10, all in ONE delicious formula.

The super antioxidant power of Trevo is quickly absorbed into the cells of your body, protecting cellular life and extending the life of cells. The result? Vibrant good health, increased energy, enhanced mental focus, immune system health, eye health, bone & joint health, digestive & gastrointestinal health, cardiovascular support, weight management, blood pressure health, cellular support  and improved longevity. In other words, feeling better, looking younger and living longer! That’s the power of wellness…that’s the power of Trevo.

It’s a blessing to have a complete health system for the entire family available that can assist in protecting the body. Convenience and value knowing that no longer do we have to take handfuls of pills and capsules, worrying if you and your family are getting enough nutrition for your bodies to function properly.

Is Trevo safe for children?

Yes, Trevo is ideal for everyone in your family. We suggest ¼ oz for every 20lbs. Starting your children on Trevo during their crucial development years provides an excellent foundation for vibrant health and longevity. By making Trevo a part of your children’s daily regimen, you can have a peace of mind knowing that your children are receiving optimum nutrition every day. Ages 13 and above suggested dose 2 ounces  daily.

Joe, you seem so excited about the product could you share with us some of the changes you and your family observed personally by taking Trevo?

My wife Joanne who is an Oncology RN  could not imagine missing our daily intake of Trevo which my family calls “Trevo Time”.

As a Type-2 Diabetic I am always concerned about my sugar levels as they always seem to run higher than they should be. I was amazed to discover how drinking Trevo on a daily basis significantly decreased my sugar level and I have been able to reduce the amount of medication I was taking. In addition besides mental clarity, focus, and more energy, I have found that aches and pains in my extremities are greatly reduced and I have been able to resume a daily exercise program.

Joanne has always had strong cravings for foods that are sweet and comforting. Since Trevo her desire and cravings for sweet foods has significantly diminished. She has a ways to go but is delighted to be losing weight and eating healthier foods that are assisting her on her weight loss journey.

Congratulations to each of you. These are powerful testimonies. I’m really beginning to see the big picture of how important it is to fuel our bodies with the proper nutrition.  Do you know any other individuals who are experiencing benefits from drinking Trevo?

In speaking with Trina M. from Texas. I know she had health challenges with asthma. She was diagnosed at the age of two and struggled with severe symptoms. She was on a minimum of 5 different prescriptions daily with nightly use of her nebulizer. In the matter of minutes her airway would shut down to less than an opening of a straw.  Life threatening asthma attacks. She and her family searched relentlessly for a solution and after decades of searching trying anything they could her prayers were answered when she was introduced to Trevo. Within 6 months of faithfully daily taking her Trevo under her doctor’s care was medication free. Now, she is experiencing a quality health she never imagined possible. Living life to its fullest doing things she never dreamed possible. Her and her family recently returned from a ski trip. I hear she zipped down the mountain enjoying every moment to its fullest.

My friend Jaye G. from Louisiana was like most people, poor eating choices overtime lead to health issues like fatique, inflammation, depression, anxiety and obesity. He started drinking Trevo daily  for health reasons. His first week he began to notice his energy level increased, his ability to think, feel, create, adapt and perform throughout the day was enhanced. After a few weeks the swelling in his joints began to disappear along with his depression and anxiety disorder. After 3 months of consistently drinking Trevo, his cravings for junk food diminished his waistline was shrinking. Over a 3 year period without painful dieting, he lost over 100 pounds and has kept it off! This man’s life has been forever transformed .  Jaye shares his story telling everyone Trevo will empower your health, from the inside out.

Another life-changing testimony is right here in the San Diego area, Danelle Ragsdale began feeling sick, ran down tired and completely exhausted in 2012. Her schedule consist of working  full-time, volunteering at church, trying to keep up with the house work, visiting the Chiropractor weekly and truly found  that every day was such a challenge. She found herself never satisfied with food, munching throughout the day until late evening. To sum up her story, at the time Danelle weighed 293lbs. She was on numerous medications daily, just trying to cope with her medical concerns and found herself being completely overwhelmed and not making any progress. Her back and knee’s could hardly support her along with fearing surgery was the only option for both matters.

In October 2012 Danelle added 1-2ounces of Trevo to her daily regimen and discovered very quickly that she no longer craved junk food. She began experiencing new natural energy level one that she could not of ever imagined possible. This lead to her swimming every day- slowly at first, then it built up to an hour a day and soon she added walking to her exercise routine.

After enjoying Trevo daily consistently for 6 months, she lost 73lbs and was no longer on two of her prescribed medications. One year later her weight dropped to 160lbs.

Today, under her doctors care she is no longer on pain medication and has eliminated four major prescription drugs.  Danelle and her doctor are looking forward to her eliminating the last medication. When Danelle’s personal Trevo journey began almost three years ago she wore a size 26 and today she is proud to say she is a size 7. She conveys a heartfelt appreciation for Trevo, it truly has enabled her to make better choices with her diet and exercise and lead to living a life, a quality of life that she never imagined possible for herself.

Joe, what an empowering testimony. I can see why you were so impressed with Trevo from the beginning after hearing firsthand so many individuals lives changed for the better.

I would like to share one last testimony this is Sharon J. from Charleston, S.C.  She discovered within just a few days of starting Trevo that her cravings for chocolate, caffeine and sugar were diminishing and there was not a day go by that did not start or end with all three.  Her eyesight improved so much that the optometrist changed her prescription on her contacts. Sharon expressed that she will never go a day without her Trevo!

Amazing testimonies Joe! My question to you is, How do my family and I begin experiencing Trevo?

As I am introducing Trevo to the Orthodox Community of Los Angeles for the President of Trevo LLC Mark Stevens. 

All anyone needs to do is  call or text at 323.493.1984 or send an email to and order your Trevo today!

Don’t miss this opportunity to discover the “Power of Wellness” for you and your family!There is no reason to hesitate NOW is the time to call. Trevo offers a 60 day money back guarantee.

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