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TWO MINUTE LIFESAVER: Please sign and spread the word

Below is the story of a 6 year old boy that we’ve been davening for.

If you could spread the word in whatever ways possible– TIZKU L’MITZVOS

 The following is a personal plea from Mrs. Devorah Cohen:

Our six-year-old son, Refael Elisha, was diagnosed with a rare malignant brain tumor. There is a medication which may save his life, as well as that of two other children, but the FDA has not made it available yet. If we can obtain 100,000 signatures, the FDA will have to address this pressing issue.

We are asking the FDA to grant us a compassionate use of an experimental medication that may have the potential to save the life of our 6-year old and two other kids with rare brain cancer.

We strongly believe that we can accomplish this. I am asking you to please sign the petition and forward this to your friends and ask them to sign.

It takes only few minutes!

Please help us help Rafael Elisha and other kids to get this medication.

Thank you in advance,

Yaakov & Devorah Cohen
Houston, TX.


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