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UK chief rabbi issues prayer for Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee

Queen Elizabeth II. Credit: Pixabay.

Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis called for the Queen, the Prince of Wales and the entire Royal Family to be blessed with years of health and strength.

 Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, chief rabbi of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, wished Queen Elizabeth II “many more years of blessing” in a prayer that he issued on Wednesday in honor of her Platinum Jubilee.

Four days of celebrations will take place in the United Kingdom starting on June 2 to mark her 70 years on the throne.

In his prayer, Mirvis also called for the Queen, the Prince of Wales and the entire Royal Family to be blessed with years of health and strength.

“Her crown is honor and majesty; her scepter, law and morality. Her concern has been for welfare, freedom and unity, and in the lands of her dominion she has sustained justice and liberty for all races, tongues and creeds,” he said.

“Together with all our fellow citizens, we fervently pray that she be granted many more years of blessing so that she may continue to bring honor and glory to the Crown and to all her people,” he added.

The rabbi additionally blessed the Royal Family that they should be granted “wisdom and understanding … so that they and we may walk together in the paths of unity, freedom and harmony, and may a new spirit inspire the nations of the world so that we may live together in righteousness and peace.”

“In this year of joyful remembrance and celebration, we express our deepest sentiments of loyalty, esteem and gratitude,” he concluded his prayer by saying. “We pray for the peace and prosperity of Britain and the Commonwealth, for the well-being of the House of Israel and for the redemption of all mankind under the sovereignty of God. May this, our prayer, be Your will speedily in our days, Amen.”

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