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UN Official Slammed for Ignoring Human Rights Abuses by Palestinians

Press briefing by Michael Lynk, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the "Palestinian Territory". (Photo: UN / Kim Haughton).

The Geneva-based monitoring group UN Watch issued a stinging rebuttal on Thursday to an anti-Israel report submitted to the UN Human Rights Council
(UNHRC) by Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk.

UN Watch accused Lynk of “ignoring Hamas and Palestinian Authority human rights abuses,” while obsessing over Israel.

“The criticism of the PA and Hamas, who commit multiple serious violations including arbitrary detention, torture, killings, and violations against LGBTI person and women was mild, and took up only two short paragraphs in a 24-page report,” UN Watch noted.

“The other 99% of the report focused exclusively on alleged Israeli violations and called for harsh measures against Israel including economic and other sanctions, international prosecutions of Israeli military and government officials, and an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on Israel’s legal obligations to end the ‘occupation.’ ”

“The report also continued to completely ignore PA and Hamas incitement and terrorism against Israelis,” UN Watch continued.

UN Watch reminded Lynk that “if universal human rights standards are applied selectively — and systematically denied to other classes of people — they cease to be universal standards at all.”

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