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United Rescue Jersey City Graduation Night 2015

United Rescue Jersey City Graduation Night 2015

25 years ago, United Hatzalah launched in Jerusalem, opened branches all over Israel and started saving lives in rapid time.
Now, in 2015, United Rescue has launched in Jersey City, NJ. Altough United Rescue is its own independant organization, it is planting the flag of United Hatzalah’s model of community based emergency response in the USA.
51 trained volunteers have just graduated as volunteer pre-ambulance emergency care givers. These volunteers are trained by the Jersey City Medical Center and integrated into the city’s 911 system as part of an initiative by Jersey City’s Mayor Steven Fulop and United Rescue.
“Celebrating the graduation of 51 new volunteer medics who will help save lives in Jersey City is one of the most rewarding moments I have had,” said Eli Beer, President and Founder of United Hatzalah.

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