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UPDATE: Yitzchok Amar Out Of Jail, Spent Shabbos With Relatives; Pidyon Shevuim Successful

Donors around the world united earlier this month after Miriam Amar of Jerusalem went public with the shocking story of her family’s trip to the Ukraine, and her husband’s consequent arrest. Young father Yitzchok Amar was driving his wife, mother-in-law, and infant son, when a car veered onto the road in front of them without signalling. The cars crashed into each other, and both vehicles were sent hurtling off the road. The three Ukrainians in the other vehicle were reportedly killed in the accident.

Yitzchok, expecting to be rushed to medical assistance, was instead taken to jail, where he was held unless his family could provide a shocking $200,000.

Thanks to an advertising campaign run by charity organization Kupat Ha’Ir – on The Chesed Fund – as well as the generosity of an inspiring 4,390 donors, Yitzchok was reportedly released from jail on Friday. According to sources close to the family, he spent Shabbat with family for the first time since the crash. This is a far cry from his jail cell, where he supposedly witnessed horrors such as stabbings daily.

Amar must remain in the Ukraine until August 15th, where a trial will be held to review the details of his case, and it will be confirmed that the money was received. Once the formalities of the trial are complete, the young father will be free to return to his wife and child.

This is indeed a major triumph, both for the world of charity crowdfunding, and for the Jewish People as a whole. A representative for Kupat Ha’Ir extends heartfelt thanks to the special individuals who came together to do this genuine mitzvah of pidyon shvuyim.

Source: The Yeshiva World

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