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VIDEO: “8TH Day HOOLEH” now in stores!!

The amazing 8th Day group we have all grown to know and love over the last few years is back with an all new album! ”Hooleh!” By far the band’s most ambitious effort to date. Distributed by Aderet, produced and arranged by 8th Day and with all original music and lyrics by 8th Day. The album features lyrical triumphs like ”Sing-Along Song” and ”Fighter”, and the material on this album is sure to wow you with its depth of emotion, relevance and overall character.

Of course the 8th Day duo of brothers Shmuel and Bentzi Marcus deliver the inevitable ”can’t control your feet from tapping and your fingers from snapping along” with the title track ”Hooleh!”, and the reggae-rock styled ”Thank You”. However, what really impresses is how they bring the real emotion on songs like ”Stay” and the song dedicated to their kids ”Your Name”. Another ballad on the album ”Royalty In Rhythm” speaks of the beauty and meaning of Shabbos [the Jewish Sabbath] in perhaps the most poetic and fun way you might ever experience. 

For you rock guitar fans, do not fear. With power ballad ”Freedom” and the song inspired by the struggles of Russian Jewry under Communist rule – ”Never Afraid”, your six string sensibilities will be quite happy.

”We continue the journey,” says Bentzi, ”it’s all about creating music that comes from the heart and connecting the dots.” The soulful aspect is pretty apparent and hits you when listening to songs like ”Wait For You” where in the second verse Shmuel sings ”the hourglass is crying too, but I believe in you.” Lyrical genius like this is certainly what makes 8th Day special and one of the most sought after acts in Jewish music, but no question their catchy hooks and amazing vocal chemistry is the selling point of this band. None more apparent than on the song ”Ker A Velt”, an all Hebrew and Yiddish tune. The sweeping ballad has an almost bittersweet feel as they sing about reaching deep into our personal ”craziness” to change the world for good. 

All in all, 8th Day delivers another stunning work of art for all music fans. The production, arrangements and mixing on this album has gone to a whole new level. This one is a must have for your music collection so grab yourself a copy in stores now or download on-line from, iTunes and other major music sites.
For more on 8th Day please go to
Happy listening!

By Yossi Zweig

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