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‘Worse Than Holocaust Denial’: Special Envoy Slams Latest UN’s Denial of Judeo-Christian History in Jerusalem

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the United Nations General Assembly in New York City. Sep 23, 2011. Photo by Avi Ohayon/GPO *** Local Caption *** øàù äîîùìä áðéîéï ðúðéäå äòöøú äëììéú àå"í ðéå éåø÷. ôåìéèé÷ä éçñéí áéðìàåîééí àåí

By TPS • 10 November, 2020

Laurie Cardoza-Moore, who serves as a United Nations Special Envoy for the World Council of Independent Christian Churches (WCICC) which represents over 44 million Evangelical Christians worldwide, condemned the latest denial of Judeo-Christian history at the United Nations (UN), stating that it was “worse than Holocaust denial.”

Her censure comes after the UN’s Special Political and Decolonization Committee passed a resolution that condemned Israel’s actions in Jerusalem and mentions the Temple Mount only by its Muslim name with no reference to its significance to Jews or Evangelical Christians.

The UN is “once again obsessing itself with the rewriting of Judeo-Christian history. While Holocaust denial is routinely condemned in European capitals, somehow the denial of the Jewish people’s existence in Jerusalem during Biblical times is acceptable,” Cardoza-Moore charged.

The General Assembly adopted a package of about 20 anti-Israel resolutions, including renewing the mandate of biased Palestinian committees. It does so on an annual basis.

“Do these European States that voted in favor of this abhorrent resolution not understand that by denying Jewish history in Jerusalem they are denying their own Christian history? Holocaust denial suggests that six million Jews were not murdered by the Nazis, but denying the Jewish connection to Jerusalem is to suggest that Jews are a fake people with no history at all. Denying the Judeo-Christian history of Jerusalem is worse than Holocaust Denial and must be rejected by the United Nations,” she explained.

Cardoza-Moore, who is also the President of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN), called on the UN’s Secretary-General António Guterres to “put an end to this annual double standard at the United Nations.”

“This is a slap in the face of billions of people that cherish the Bible, the land of Israel and the God of Israel. This is nothing short of UN-mandated Jew-Hatred and it must come to an end,” she added.

She warned that If the UN “doesn’t change course soon, it will render itself utterly irrelevant, having become a conduit to foster hate and war instead of peace and harmony among nations.”

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan likewise warned that anti-Israel resolutions were “outdated” and “do nothing but perpetuate the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

Erdan also criticized the UN’s refusal to refer to Judaism’s holiest site as the Temple Mount, saying that using only the Islamic name was an “audacious attempt to rewrite history” and erase the centuries-old Jewish connection to Jerusalem.

“Instead of persuading the Palestinians to choose a path of negotiation and peace, these decisions only encourage them to harden their positions. Any vote in favor of the decisions is a step towards making the UN an irrelevant body,” he warned.

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