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Yehudah Glick Travels to Turkey for Peace Mission

Temple Mount Activist Yehudah Glick Travels to Turkey for Peace Mission

ISTANBUL- Yehudah Glick is currently in Istanbul, Turkey, meeting with Muslim religious leaders, Turkish politicians, and media, and joining as an honored guest in celebrations of the
month long holiday of Ramadan. Tonight, Glick will join representatives of different religions at a large ceremony celebrating the traditional breakfast meal of iftar , which is eaten each night at the conclusion of the daily Ramadan fast.

Rabbi Yehudah Glick, the founder of the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation, survived an assassination attempt in October by a Islamic terrorist who opposed his activities on the Temple
Mount, where he works to increase access for non Muslims.

In a statement, Glick explained his decision to take the trip. “For the past several years I have been involved in promoting dialogue between believers in the One and Only God. When I call
for freedom of worship, human rights, respect to every other person, I mean it. This mission is deeply connected to the vision of our prophets turning the Temple Mount into a House of prayer
for all nations.

“There are many friendly religious leaders who share this belief that not only is any use of violence not justified, but when it is done in the Name of God, it is a total disgrace of His Name. Shortly after I was wounded many of these leaders came out publicly condemning this very fiercely, and they had invited me to express these words to me personally.

“This week I will be meeting several muftis who share these beliefs. I hope I am doing my small part in promoting world peace in the name of God, whose name is Shalom (peace), and in the
name of the city of Shalom Jerusalem.”

He began meeting with members of the local Turkish press yesterday, July 1st. He was interviewed by Adnan Oktar, a prominent author and television host on the A9 Turkish satellite
channel. Oktar has spoken out in the past about the brotherhood between Jews and Muslims. In the interview, Oktar and Glick discussed the importance of denouncing violence in the name
of religion. “When somebody does [violence] in the name of God, and we know that God is eternal life, that he can’t be for killing, he is for living, then this is what is so painful, and this is what we, people who are faithful in God, must talk out against,” he said.

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