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Gantz Calls To Take To The Streets, Netanyahu Accuses Him Of Sedition

A protester holds a Palestinian flag in Tel Aviv, Israel, at a demonstration against Prime Minister Netanyahu's government, Motzei Shabbos, Jan. 7, 2023. (AP/ Tsafrir Abayov)

National Unity chairman Benny Gantz accused Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of spurring a civil war and called to the public to take to the streets over the government’s planned reforms to the judicial system.

“This is the time to go out and protest, the time to shake the country,” Gantz said at a National Unity party meeting on Monday. Addressing Netanyahu, he claimed: “If you continue in the path you’re taking – the responsibility for the civil war that is raging in Israeli society will be on you.”

Gantz’s call followed a large left-wing protest held in Tel Aviv on Motzei Shabbos against Netanyahu’s government at which PLO flags were waved along with signs comparing current government officials to Nazis.

“I’m shocked by Gantz’s statements, this is a clear call to sedition from the Knesset platform,” Netanyahu said at a Likud party meeting. “Gantz, who doesn’t condemn the comparison of the Justice Minister to a Nazi and the government of Israel to the Third Reich, is the one who is sowing the seeds of disaster. I call on Benny Gantz to retract his words immediately.”

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir accused Gantz of “crossing a red line in encouraging members of the radical left to take down the elected government.”

Source: (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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