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URGENT! Frum father of 5 needs a Kidney!

Avromie Israel was an 18 year old counselor in CGI Parksville when he got strep throat. No big deal. Except it was. The strep killed both of his kidneys. It took many years and number of doctors to figure that out.

He was able to manage his life by controlling his diet. He hadn’t touched a banana in 6 years! But this summer at 43 years old, the doctors told him that he had to start dialysis, diet wasn’t cutting it anymore. His kidney function is below 10% now and he is on the ‘list’ for a new kidney.

Avromie is the Tatty of 5 beautiful frum children ranging in age from 16 – 7 years old and the husband of Monica. They live in the Lubavitch community in Houston TX.

Do you know anyone who can donate a kidney? He is type O+ and is registered at Methodist Transplant Referral Center in Houston at 713 441 8900.

A  frum father of 5 young children needs a kidney. He had strep as a teen and it killed both of his kidneys. He had been managing his life by controlling his diet but had to start dialysis this summer. He is down to 10% function. He is type O+ blood and is registered with Methodist Transplant Referral Center in Houston 713-441-8900 Abraham Israel. Thanks.

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