Home News URGENT! Frum father of 5 needs a Kidney!

URGENT! Frum father of 5 needs a Kidney!

URGENT!  Frum father of 5 needs a Kidney!

Avromie Israel was an 18 year old counselor in CGI Parksville when he got strep throat. No big deal. Except it was. The strep killed both of his kidneys. It took many years and number of doctors to figure that out.

He was able to manage his life by controlling his diet. He hadn’t touched a banana in 6 years! But this summer at 43 years old, the doctors told him that he had to start dialysis, diet wasn’t cutting it anymore. His kidney function is below 10% now and he is on the ‘list’ for a new kidney.

Avromie is the Tatty of 5 beautiful frum children ranging in age from 16 – 7 years old and the husband of Monica. They live in the Lubavitch community in Houston TX.

Do you know anyone who can donate a kidney? He is type O+ and is registered at Methodist Transplant Referral Center in Houston at 713 441 8900.

A  frum father of 5 young children needs a kidney. He had strep as a teen and it killed both of his kidneys. He had been managing his life by controlling his diet but had to start dialysis this summer. He is down to 10% function. He is type O+ blood and is registered with Methodist Transplant Referral Center in Houston 713-441-8900 Abraham Israel. Thanks.


  1. My name is Ira Brody. I work with the Alliance for Paired Donation an international non profit organization based in the United States that facilitates kidney transplants generating from both altruistic donors and incompatible directed donors. We have facilitated hundreds of transplants with Americas most prestigious transplant center. We are a non profit organization http://www.paireddonation.org whose services are totally free. In the past we have worked with the orthodox Jewish Community both in the United States and Israel. We may have a donor. For further information contact me:

    Ira Brody
    Chief Communications Officer
    Alliance for Paired Donation
    734-585-0295 Land
    203-554-0984 Cell

  2. you know what would be nice, if you can post his hebrew name and moms hebrew name so we can say tehillim on his behalf.. that much ALL of us can and should do…. thanx and yehoshuas Hashem kerif ayin

  3. @IraBrody

    I called the transplant referral center this morning. I am also O+ which is a good first step. Should I work with you instead?

  4. why does the article say “frum father of 5”?

    if he wasn’t “frum”, would he not be deserving of a transplant?

    or would you simply not even be bringing this to the attention of the community?

    good luck for a full recovery and transplant.

    let’s treat all jews (and other people) equally!

  5. Great Jane you want to donate! Sent you an e-mail a short time ago with the hospital info. Hope this works out! Tizku L’mitzvos! Thanks for contacting me!

  6. Liz, great question! In order to donate a kidney, one has to be in very good health- no cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure or kidney stones in the past 5 years. Also, best if your BMI is below 30. There are hospitals that will accept donors with a BMi, usually up to 35 – but a BMI over 30 – can be more risky if for example one is carrying excess weight in their stomach area.

    If you or anyone out there would like more information about kidney donation, check out my website, http://www.KidneyMitzvah.com

  7. I’ve run into controversy also about referring to people as Frum or whatnot.when I post for altruistic kidney donors for Matnat Chaim in Israel – I personally think that it would attract more people – some frum people like to know that they would be donating to someone more like themselves – either so that they can have a relationship after or just because – they want to help someone who has Yirat Hashamayim or they may just pay attention more if they see it’s one of “their own” – not that they wouldnt end up donating to a non-shomer shabbat person if need be – but it may be hard to risk your own life for someone who doesnt respect Shabbat or kashrut – i.e. eating pork that would have to get filtered thru that Frum persons former kidney – I wish all kidney sufferers good health and receipt of a live kidney soon

  8. Great comments, Marci! Everyone, Marci & her son both donated a kidney to a stranger!!! What wonderful people! She also has a great website!

    Thanks Marci for posting my website!’ Matnat Chaim is a great organization!

  9. If there is ANYONE type o+ or b+, my new husband is in final stages of kidney failure. We are Shomer mitzvot and have the best health insurance as well as transplant clearance in Houston at Methodist Hospital! Please help me save my husband, Nachman Ben Vita.


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