Home Featured Jerusalem – Israeli Military Buys 360,000 Donuts For IDF Troops To Celebrate Chanukah

Jerusalem – Israeli Military Buys 360,000 Donuts For IDF Troops To Celebrate Chanukah

Jerusalem – Israeli Military Buys 360,000 Donuts For IDF Troops To Celebrate Chanukah
Doughnuts (sofganiot) on sale at Marzipan bakery in Jerusalem, for the upcoming Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. December 16, 2014. Photo by Hadas Parush/FLASH90

Jerusalem – Israeli Military Buys 360,000 Donuts For IDF Troops To Celebrate Chanukah


Jerusalem – Jam and chocolate is the order of the day for donuts that will be given to IDF soldiers serving throughout the Jewish-holiday season of Chanukkah.

The Defense Ministry announced on Sunday that it had purchased 360,000 of these sweet treats to ground troops, commanders, as well as Air Force and Navy bases across the country.

The ministry also said it had purchased 16,000 packages of Hanukkah candles, 30,700 tin menorahs and 200 large menorahs for the holiday, which is slated to begin on December 2 and end of December 10.


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