Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad 40 Year Anniversary -Honoring Rabbi Ezra Schochet
Almost six hundred people, including Anash, Chassidish and Litvish among other Jewish communities filled the ballroom at the Universal Hilton to celebrate the 40 Year Anniversary since the establishment of Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad. They came to honor Rabbi Ezra Schochet, Rosh Yeshiva, known as the Rosh, who has led the Yeshiva since its very inception to be inspired and give thanks to Rabbi Schochet.
The Yeshiva printed a journal of almost 300 pages with a history on Rabbi Schochet and the Yeshiva and ads for the Banquet. The Yeshiva published a new volume of Kovetz Migdal Ohr with over 500 pages in honor of the Banquet.

Benny Friedman, an alumni of the Yeshiva, rose to prominence on the contemporary Jewish religious music scene with his first album in 2009, performed for this prestigious event.