With profound sorrow, we regret to announce the passing of Lisa Jo Reed a”h, beloved sister of Jena Denitz, beloved daughter of Joe Novak, beloved wife of Jason Reed, beloved mother of Hillary Podell, beloved aunt of Devorah, Matthew, Jordan, and Yonasan.


The funeral will take place tomorrowFriday, May 16 at 10 am at Mount Sinai Memorial Park, 5950 Forest Lawn Dr., Los Angeles 90068.


Jena will observe Shiva at her home at 9107 Sawyer St., Los Angeles 90035 starting after the Levaya until 4:30 pm, and then resuming on Sunday throughThursday morning, 8:30 am to 12 noon and 2 pm to 4:30 pm.  The family requests no visitation at night.

There will be no minyanim at the Shiva home.  


May the Almighty comfort the bereaved family along with all mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.  


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