With sadness we inform you of
the passing of

Sylvia (Sue) Braverman
Sima bas Yitzchak HaLevi, of blessed memory
[mother of Ira Braverman and Rona Shapiro]

The funeral was held today in New York at the Old Montefiore Cemetary
Shiva will be observed at the residence of Alan & Rona Shapiro starting
Tuesday, January 6 and ending Sunday morning, January 11
5900 Glade Ave., Woodland Hills  91367
Click here for directions


Times for services:
Shachris: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 6:45 am
Thursday 6:30 am and Sunday 8:00 am
Mincha: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 4:40 pm

May G-d console the esteemed family, together with all those that mourn Zion and Jerusalem.


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