Los Angeles Welcomes Darko Learning Center


Los Angeles’ Jewish educational options expand community wide with introduction of Darko


For the past few years Los Angeles has seen a changing landscape in the area of Jewish education.  Older institutions changed formats, such as Shalhevet expanding its doors to include a lower school and then again reformatting back to a high school. Recently, we have seen educators experiment with new models in the cases of Yeshiva High Tech and Chabad of South La Cinega’s very own Jewish Montessori preschool. The latest contender to challenge our educational paradigm is Darko.

Darko is the brainchild of Shimon Shain, a local educator and the founder of MasterMind LA, a well known tutoring and coaching company that mentors students and teachers alike on the latest cutting edge developments in Jewish Education. MasterMind LA is responsible for bringing Rabbi Jonathan Rietti to Los Angeles and implementing the Lashon HaTorah program at Darko, Yavneh and many other local Jewish schools.

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Unlike a traditional day school, the Darko learning center breaks the mold with its innovative and collaborative approach to education. Student’s benefit from full time, half day or opt-in classes based on availability and fall under their parents Private School Affidavit, thus, taking the concept of homeschooling to the next level. Rather than merely thinking outside of the box this allows students and educators to ponder the shape of Jewish education.

Darko prides itself as being Jewish Montessori where students participate in hands on learning and spend more time actively engaged in curriculum, than sitting at desks.  This past year the students participated in science courses offered at the L.A. Science Center, learned about spatial relationships with Lego robotics enforced by a trip to Legoland, and re-enforced mathematical skills through working on fractions during challah making.  Additionally, the students focused on pre-geometry concepts during woodworking and technical skills, including computers and graphics put to use during Claymation classes.

Darko’s Judaic and general studies curriculum is fully integrated. When the children learn about the first day of creation (when Hashem created light), the teachers take the opportunity to teach all about the science of gravity and light. When the children learn about day three of creation (when Hashem created land and oceans), the teachers take the opportunity to teach geography…

For more information on Darko, to get involved or to schedule a tour of their Pico Robertson campus call (323)-244-4136 and be sure to check out their virtual tour at DarkoLA.org


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