Boca Raton Shliach, Rabbi Ruvi New has teamed up with the Jewish music world’s most celebrated composer Yossi Green, to release a new single: “The Gift” in honor of the Rebbe’s Birthday – Yud Aleph Nissan.
On the heels of the success of his debut album – Storm the World that rose to #7 in the world on the iTunes World Music charts, Boca Raton Shliach, Rabbi Ruvi New has teamed up with the Jewish music world’s most celebrated composer Yossi Green, to release a new single: “The Gift” in honor of the Rebbe’s Birthday – Yud Aleph Nissan. On Yad Aleph Nissan it was tribe of Asher of made the inaugural gifts to the Mishkan, of whom the Torah says: “and he will give gifts to the King.” “???? ??? ????? ???”.
One year, after doing some work in the Rebbe’s home just prior to the Pesach Holiday, a handyman asked the Rebbe to share an insight on the Haggadah with him that he could in turn share with his family.
The Rebbe obliged and offered a beautiful insight on the Nishmas prayer included in the Haggadah.
The prayer begins with expressing our inability to adequately praise Hashem – “even if our mouth were filled with song as the sea… we would still be unable to thank You…”.
Yet a few lines later after having just expressed our incapacity to praise Hashem, we say: “Therefore the limbs You have arranged within us…shall thank, bless praise and glorify…”
How did we suddenly discover the previously elusive ability to praise Hashem the Rebbe asked?
He answered the question with the parable that makes up this song.
In light of the current unprecedented global phenomenon, the songs’ message of gratitude to G-d for every breath, is particularly poignant.
We dedicate this song to the complete and speedy recovery of all who need it, and the realization of Rebbe’s calling to our generation to bring the Shechina back into our world.