Home News Israel Poll: Right-wing bloc unable to form government

Poll: Right-wing bloc unable to form government

Poll: Right-wing bloc unable to form government
Binyamin Netanyahu and Yair Lapid. (File Photo).

A poll conducted by Prof. Camille Fuchs for Channel 13 News shows that if the elections were held today, the Likud party would win 28 seats while Yesh Atid would finish second with 17.

The New Hope party would come in third with 13 seats, Yamina fourth with 11, the Joint Arab List with 8, and United Torah Judaism and Shas 7 each.

The Labor party would win 6 seats, Meretz 5. The Religious Zionist party would get 5 seats, Yisrael Beyteinu 5, Blue and White 4 seats, and Raam 4 as well.

According to the poll, the Yamina party would be the kingmaker party, but the Likud would not be able to form a party even with Yamina’s support.

The Likud, haredi parties, and Religious Zionist party would receive a combined 47 seats, which would only rise to 58 seats if joined by Yamina.

The anti-Netanyahu bloc and the Arab parties would receive 58 seats, but it is likely that Yamina will not agree to sit with all the parties which make up the bloc.

(Arutz 7).


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