Songs of the Seder! 23 of the Most Popular Songs of Pesach with Rabbi Ruvi New
23 of the Most Popular Songs of Pesach with Rabbi Ruvi New
On the heels of the “Songs of Yom Kippur” released just before Yom Kippur this year which has garnered over 50,000 YouTube views and tens of thousands of music downloads to date, Boca Raton Shliach, Rabbi Ruvi New presents his latest release, Songs of the Seder.
Featuring 23 Seder songs, from popular favorites, like Avadim Ahyinu and Dayeinu to covers of songs by MBD, Avraham Fried, Yaakov Shwekey and Gad Elbaz, the video is designed to be both entertaining and educational. Song lyrics are both transliterated and translated to allow viewers to easily follow the songs and their meanings.
The video can be viewed on YouTube at StormTheWorld.
You can find all the streaming links here: https://songwhip.com/