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In all segments of the community, the news of the imminent arrival of the famous Tzaddik, RebYaakov Menachem Rabinovitz, Biale Rebbe of Bnei Brak , to LOS ANGELES was received with great excitement.

The name “Biale” is no stranger to the residents of LOS ANGELES. Thousands of people have sensed the sweetness of the Rebbe Shlita’s sanctity, and many have consulted with him, benefited from his guidance, and most importantly, received his blessings.


The older generation still remembers the Rebbe’s holy father, Rebbe David Mattisyahu, ztzuk”l. He planted the seedlings that would flourish into a kingdom of Torah and chesed in Israel after the holocaust. During his travels around the world, the Rebbe’s holiness and blessings left an indelible impression upon all who had the privilege to meet him. Countless stories are told of the miracles that his blessings wrought.

The Biale Chassidus perpetuates the famous Chassidic movement founded by the Baal Shem Tov and his disciples, carrying on throughout the generations, until the Rebbe Shlita, who is a direct descendant of one of the greatest rebbes in Eastern Europe, Rebbe Yaakov Yitzchok Rabinovitz, the famous “Holy Jew” of Peshischa, a fourth generation disciple of the Baal Shem Tov.


Since the Rebbe assumed the mantle of leadership upon the passing of his holy father in October ’97, Jews across the spectrum of society have joined the Rebbe’s court. Not sufficing with his devoted work for his many followers throughout Israel, he seeks to help all his brothers. His room is open to all Jews, from all circles and communities, from the knitted yarmulkes-wearer to the ultra-orthodox, from Ashkenazim to Sephardim. They come from the irreligious cities of Holon, Bat-Yam and even distant Eilat for a blessing from the Rebbe. Each one is received with a

radiant face, even if it is 2 AM, as though he were the first and only person the Rebbe met today.

“If Israel are not prophets, children of the prophets they are.” The Biale Rebbe’s venerated reputation is known worldwide, among Jews of every stripe. Complex medical questions, intricate business matters involving 7 digit figures, and much more, are treated by the Rebbe. His sage advice and fruit-bearing blessings point to the abundant help from Heaven with which he is endowed.

Much of the Rebbe’s valuable time is dedicated to traveling to the U.S., be it short week-long trips or longer journeys to California, Florida, New York, and New Jersey. These are not merely visits; the Rebbe comes to help, to improve, to inspire. In each community, scores of rabbis, community leaders, educators, and school principals bring up the host of chinuch concerns, controversies, and community issues that they encounter. The Rebbe tends to each concern sagely and patiently with due encouragement and advice and serves as a pillar of strength for both individuals and numerous communities across the United States.

Each year, those who have had the privilege to meet him even once anxiously await his arrival. His fierce love for his fellow Jew is reciprocated. Many of them, who have seen the fulfillment of the Rebbe’s blessing, anticipate sharing with him the good news.

The Rebbe’s Blessings

Just a few months ago, the Rebbe officiated at the wedding of a prominent family from Florida. About two years before, when the Rebbe had been in Florida, a relative of one of his followers requested a blessing for finding his mate. After the Rebbe blessed him, the bachelor insisted on knowing when it would happen. The Rebbe said that before his visit the next year, he’d be engaged. And indeed, two weeks before the Rebbe’s annual visit to Florida, the young man was happily engaged.

Last summer, the lines of people awaiting the Rebbe’s blessings at a wedding lasted until early morning, long after the tables were cleared. This really began a year before, when the father of the bride, who had then three older unmarried daughters, requested the Rebbe’s blessing, and the Rebbe promised “three weddings this year!” The year was not yet over and the Rebbe was already at the third daughter’s wedding! After this story was publicized, the lines of people quickly filled up, and it goes without saying that not even one wore a shtreimel, A year has passed from the

wedding in New Jersey and the good news does not stop appearing. More than ten of those blessed by the Rebbe at the wedding have already gotten engaged!


There are countless stories that attest to the power of the Rebbe’s blessing. A distraught couple once came to the Rebbe with worrisome news. The wife, who was pregnant again after all her previous ones had tragically ended in abortion, was informed by her doctor that her unborn baby would be sick. He even advised the couple to consider adopting a child. The Rebbe read the couple’s note with their Hebrew names and declared that he didn’t see any problem and that their child would be healthy. He advised the shocked couple to undertake additional mitzvos and assured that he himself would participate at their healthy son’s bris. The joy at that bris was indescribable.

At another occasion, a Jew From Los Angeles came to the Rebbe in distress with the news that he was diagnosed with leukemia. The Rebbe blessed him that he would be cured in the merit of putting on tefillin every day. Less than a year later, the man came to the Rebbe with medical documents that reported that he was completely clean.

Businessmen attest that since receiving the Rebbe’s blessing their businesses flourished unbelievably. Barren couples had children after many years. People who’d been pursued by the court and couldn’t sleep at night in inconceivable trepidation, witnessed wondrous turnabouts. These and more are just a fraction of the miracles that people merited through the Rebbe’s blessings. It is not surprising that hundreds of people flock to the Rebbe’s door, awaiting his advice and blessing.


The Rebbe doesn’t rests for a moment. He has 15 biological children, keineinehora, which the marriage of the ninth of them was held last week (November 11) when his son married the granddaughter of the esteemed New Square Rebbe, a historic wedding where tens of thousands of followers of Biale and Square from all over the world participated. The Rebbe spearheads the institutions “Mishnas Shimon” in Beitar Illit, Biale shuls and kollels in Bnei Brak, Jerusalem, Beitar Illit, Modi’in Illit, Ashdod, and Beit Shemesh, and closest to the Rebbe’s heart, the Fund for Orphans and Widows, which functions under the Rebbe’s personal supervision. This

special fund provides clothing, shoes, homey accommodations in the yeshiva dormitory, and even pocket money for the orphans studying in the Biale yeshivos. But most of all, the Rebbe takes these precious souls under his wing, opening his home for them and caring for their needs as only a father would. The Rebbe follows up on their learning and pairs them with private mentors. The Rebbe personally sees to it that they have new clothing before each holiday. Once, when the Rebbe returned from an overseas trip before Pesach, he went to visit the orphans straight from the airport, even before he saw his family, and gave each one money to buy clothing and gifts for Yom Tov, and only then did he go home.


The school year has now begun in the yeshiva in Beitar Illit, where the students experienced the terror of the war in the last summer. The rockets fired from the Gaza Strip were clearly visible from the Yeshiva roof. The students were forced to run for cover when the now familiar siren warned of an oncoming rocket. The Rebbe, like a father to the students, came especially to the yeshiva to offer support and encouragement. Once the war stretched on, a building was rented in Safed so the students could enjoy a relaxing and invigorating summer.


When the day is over in New York, the phone begins to ring with callers from Israel eager for the Rebbe’s blessings and advice, in Israel the Rebbe is inundated with callers from Los Angeles, New York, Miami, and New Jersey, and hundreds of emails flood the secretary’s inbox. Every day the Rebbe spends much time tending to all the questions sent from around the globe, and he prays for them all, in his beis midrash, at holy places, and at the holy gravesites of his renowned ancestors. The Rebbe carries the burden of his people, sharing completely in their pains and joys.


Amongst the Rebbe’s many attributes is a deep perception in all areas of life. Parents from all parts of the world consult the Rebbe about education issues. Many times the Rabbi provides surprising advice which brings about a complete change to the entire household. Homes which were full of strife are now happy, peaceful homes. Countless cases of conflict between couples are solved following the Rebbe’s instructions. Even in hopeless circumstances peace was restored thanks to the Rebbe’s immense investment and intervention.


One of the Rebbe’s “hobbies” is helping singles find their marriage partners. Many single boys and girls and parents of singles come to the Rebbe for his encouragement and blessing. But more than just offer his blessing, the Rebbe actively seeks marriage partners for them. Just last month, the Rebbe attended a wedding of two singles who were close to forty. The Rebbe had put in immense effort and many hours speaking to each to see this match to fruition, and their long- anticipated engagement had finally been held at three AM!


As has already been mentioned above, the residents of LOS ANGELES will be privileged to meet with the Rebbe once again. The Rebbe’s main lodgings in Los Angeles will be at the home of the honorable, Dr. David and Dorothy Stoll, at 422 S. LAS PALMAS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90020.


A large crowd is expected to come and join the Rebbe, derive spiritual joy and elevation with Divrei Torah and songs at the “Oneg Shabbos” Tisch which the Rebbe will hold this Friday night, parshas TOLDOS, NOVEMBER 12. The Rebbe will conduct his Friday night tish at Kollel Yechiel Yehudah at 441 N La Brea Ave, at 8.15 pm. A special part of the Tisch is when the Rebbe recites the “Kiddush” in a special Nussach keeping the entire crowd electrified by his holy service.

It is known to his Chassidim that the time of “Kiddush” is a special time with potential to bring about great salvation. Singing together at the Tisch moves the masses each time as if they are hearing it for the first time. The assembled feel a “real taste of paradise” each time they experience a Shabbos gathering.

On Shabbos morning, the Rebbe will pray at the Beis Naftali shul, which is under the leadership of the prominent shul president, the known activist for Torah, Reb Andrew Friedman.

The Rebbe will spend the following Shabbosim in Pico Robertson and Beverly Hills, as will be publicized.

So, if you haven’t yet had the privilege to meet the Rebbe, or already did and want to have again the merit to benefit from the Rebbe’s advice and blessing, you can

now do that by setting up an appointment through the Rebbe’s English speaking personal secretary, Rabbi Moshe Friedman at 917-272-4045, or at email BIALEBNEIBRAK@GMAIL.COM.

Be blessed!



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