A Follow up to the New Shidduch Initiative at Weddings
(BY Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times)
There has been an overwhelming response to the new Shidduch Initiative at a recent wedding in the Rye Town Hilton, where a number of first dates were initiated after the Chasuna, and at least one at the Chasuna itself. The Baalei Simcha have received numerous calls and inquiries as to how others can go about doing it. The Baalei Simcha have thus shared six steps in how to go about making a shidduch initiative. There may be many other ways to go about doing it, this is just one suggested method.
1. Make use of the typically one hour of down time between the chupah and the first dance to help facilitate shidduchim.
2. Create a separate room or section for friends of the chassan and kallah. It can be either a separate room, or separate section in the main ball room.
3. Maintain a tznius environment by keeping both sides separate, either with a mechitza or with a buffet dinner separating them in the room or section.
4. Staff the singles section with as many shadchanim as possible of both genders. Pay the shadchanim to come if necessary.
5. Encourage the singles to send in their resumes to an appointed person prior to the chasuna if possible.
6. Prep the singles in advance as to what to expect, and encourage them to interact with the shaddchanim.
It must be stressed that this was an opportunity for Shadchanim to interact with the singles and for the singles to have access to the shadchanim. Constructive comments are welcome to help tweak the model presented in order to enhance Shidduchim and Kavod Shamayim going forward.
The idea was suggested that this can become a business opportunity for an enterprising and organized individual who can become the “point person” for a shidduch initiative at one’s wedding, The point person would be hired by the parents of either the chosson or kallah – or both. The point person would coordinate with the caterer, would contact the singles and obtain resumes, would hire the shadchanim, and would train everyone involved. The point person would also run a database with everyone present to further along the shidduchim. Indeed, with the Chosson, Kallah, and parents having access to the database as well – the Shidduch Initiative can be brought to an entire new level.
The author wishes to point out that it is a mark of great people when at the height of their very own simcha – they think of others.
The author can be reached at yairhoffman2@gmail.com
Source: (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)