Home News Alarming! E-book versions of Hitler’s Mein Kemp become best sellers

Alarming! E-book versions of Hitler’s Mein Kemp become best sellers

Alarming! E-book versions of Hitler’s Mein Kemp become best sellers
Two separate versions of "Mein Kampf" ranked 12th and 15th in the Politics & Current Events chart on iTunes. (Image:Vocativ.com)

E-book versions of Hitler’s opus are rising in the rankings on Amazon and iTunes. What gives?

You won’t see Adolf Hitler peering back at you from the featured display tables at Barnes & Noble any time soon. But browse the most popular e-book stores these days and Der Führer’s mug is seemingly unavoidable. For a year now, his magnum manifesto has loomed large over current best-sellers on iTunes, where at the time of this writing two different digital versions of Mein Kampf rank 12th and 15th on the Politics & Current Events chart alongside books by modern conservative powerhouses like Sarah Palin, Charles Krauthammer and Glenn Beck.

……So what exactly is going on here? Are people reading Hitler on their smartphones and Kindles? Is this what happens when Mein Kampf becomes available in the privacy of our own iPads? Could it be a cultural curiosity much like what’s happened with sleazy romance novels, which surveys show are increasingly consumed in more clandestine e-form?

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