BTM’s Crowning Reception Highlights Its Unique and Successful Seventh Year!
On Thursday, Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, June 18, 2015, Yeshivas Bais Toras Menachem (BTM) held its annual Gala Tribute Graduation, celebrating, b’chasdei Hashem, the unique institution of higher learning’s completion of its seventh successful year. The beautiful affair was graciously hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Yisroel Finer in their elegant and warm home. The spotlight shone brightly on each and every one of its bachurim as each were bestowed distinctive awards and certificates in accordance with their various achievements. This was truly a unique event accompanied with music, niggun and words from the heart and mind; an evening filled with nachas and pride for all.
There were Smicha certificates for the ‘stars of the evening’, those who successfully completed the four chlaokim or sections, of the Code of Jewish Law required for Rabbinical Ordination. This milestone was the result of countless hours of study under the thorough and patient tutelage of HaRav Levi Chazan, our Smicha Maggid Shiur and a noted Talmud Chacham in our community.
The designated “testing Rav” for the specialized Smicha program is the renowned and widely respected Posek, and Av Bais Din D’kehilla of Los Angeles, Harav Elchanan Tauber. Rabbi Tauber, who has been a strong proponent of the program since its inception, has expressed how impressed he has been by BTM’s students’ overall dedication to their studies and their fine grasp of the material.
One of the goals of BTM is empowering its students with life skills needed for gainful employment or in preparation for higher university studies. To this end, Bochurim attend one of several secular learning tracks designed by BTM. Accomplishments in these fields were also given their just recognition at the reception. While some completed a course in math and english fundamentals and others their GED certificates, the highest level of excellence were those who graduated, either fully or partially, from ORT College of Los Angeles with an AA degree in Business Management.
The evening was the crowning event to cap off a very special, unique and successful seventh year of BTM’s program. One could truly witness the expression “Kol shvi’in chavivin” (Whatever is ‘associated’ with the number seven is dear.) Throughout the year, the achdus amongst the bachurim was remarkable as they melded together like a family unit. In addition to their rewarding studies, they had the opportunity to ask any questions they wanted at a weekly Q & A session, which led to many meaningful and thought provoking discussion (some even life altering). Something new was a mini-lecture series about preparation for Shidduchim and marriage, given by a noted Shadchan and Shidduch coach.
Of course, the bachurim got to enjoy a wide range of guest lectures, farbrengens with chosheve members of Anash, barbecues, hikes, trips and Shabbatons throughout Southern and Northern California.
The BTM dormitory is a very comfortable house in close proximity to the host shul, Congregation Levi Yitzchok, which once again welcomed the boys warmly into the Los Angeles Anash community. Wholesome balanced meals, as well as time for athletics and other physical exercise have been hallmarks of the yeshiva since its inception, as the overall gashmius of BTM provides the proper balanced environment for ruchniusdik and social growth.
BTM’s success is grounded upon its dedicated and talented staff who give their all to educate and inspire. In addition to R. Chazan, our Rebbeim were R. Heshy Mishulovin, R. Aryeh Erlich, R. Moshe Hildeshaim and R. Aryeh Hoffman. The Pre-GED and GED teachers were R. Hertzy Richler and Mr. Yonatan Amzalog. ORT business management instructor was Dr. Denise Kotler.